
You can expect in Cubs to be offered a huge range of activities, whether in the Hut, out in the wilderness, or on a camp.

Cubs learn to hone their skills from Beavers, and pick up new skills all the time.

As our Cubs grow, they’ll get so many opportunities to try new things. In Cubs over the few years, our young people have had the following opportunities:

  • Fire Lighting
  • Knife Skills
  • Axe Skills
  • Archery
  • Axe/Tomahawk Throwing
  • Air Rifle Shooting
  • Zorbing
  • Hiking (both short, and full day)
  • Kayaking
  • Canoeing
  • Climbing
  • Abseiling
  • Bouldering
  • Crate Stacking (great for team building!)
  • Catapults
  • Splatapult
  • Trips to Art Galleries
  • Trips to Museums
  • Trips to Legoland
  • Trips to Gullivers Land
  • Camps (weekends)
  • Camps (whole week)
  • Harry Potter Themed Camp
  • Survival/Wilderness Themeds Camp
  • Visit to our Local Church
  • Virtual Camp (Camp at Home)
  • Virtual visit to a Bhuddist Temple

Cubs will also take part in local parades, and team sports and games as part of their development within the movement.