Tonight, our Cubs returned to their weekly pack meetings and found themselves in a whole new world of programme.

This years programme has been developed to be exceptionally enjoyable whilst still teaching Cubs those essential life skills. So what are we doing differently?

Firstly, our Sixers and Seconders become true leaders of their Six – and with that we’re giving the duty six more responsibilities in our weekly meeting!

Secondly, all of our meetings have been given fun and quirky names. Our Cubs were briefed on the entire year tonight by meeting name alone – without having any idea what they’re going to be doing, they’re just as excited as we are!

We hit the ground running tonight with two amazing Teamwork Games! What better way to start that off by calling out “FLOOR’S LAVA!!!”. Needless to say Cubs had a great evening and learned to work as a team, team leaders shone and they learned the huge importance of communication in any task.

Even our leaders came away from tonight full of energy having really enjoyed the night – and there’s more of that to come as we progress through the year!

Watch this space, and Cubs parents watch your email, for more information about the additional parts to this great programme over the next few weeks!